The argument that good design is important for both economic and social reasons has become much more accepted in the UK but there remains a big gap between that belief and the reality of what is happening. Why is this? It’s partly because of short-term economic pressures since it requires investment in time, thinking and money to do it well. And it’s partly because the powerful examples of where good design has achieved outstanding results are not well enough known. So these awards play a very important role in celebrating these powerful examples and in communicating them to business, government and society.
The UK has a great reputation internationally for design and the best agencies are all working with international clients. This has been especially important over the last two years when the UK market has been tougher and, through my role with Design Partners, it has been good to see many successes, which have added to this international reputation.
It was a great pleasure to chair the Judging Panel again this year through all its stages with an experienced, insightful and stimulating group of judges. With a high standard of entries, it was a challenge to make decisions between gold, silver and bronze awards but it was a privilege to experience so many wonderful stories of how good design works.
Congratulations to the successful companies and agencies both for winning their awards and for adding to the argument that good design is important.
Andrew Summers
Chairman, Design Partners
The Judging Panel
Ewan Carpenter
Marketing Director, GlaxoSmithKline
Marie Davies
Hovis Innovation Controller, Premier Foods
Isabel Rodrigues
Senior Brand Manager, Cancer Research UK
Simon MacDowal
Director, Communications & Marketing, HMRC
Maxine Groucutt
Head of Visual Identity, Liberty
Richard Bowyer
Head of Brand Strategy, BT Group Marketing & Brand
Rebecca Singleton
Head of Non Food Marketing, Sainsburys
Hilary Forrester
Marketing Executive, The British Land Company
Polly Adams
Head of Marketing, World Pay
Rupert Thomas
Director of Marketing, Waitrose Ltd
Paul Dickinson
Director of Sales and Marketing, Virgin Atlantic
Rachel Neaman
Deputy Director, Corporate Comms, Department of Health
Steve Elworthy
Director of Marketing and Comms, England & Wales Cricket Board
Chris Gottlieb
Brand Director, Vision, BBC
Graham Burchell
Challs International, Challs International
Matthew Stammers
Marketing Director, Capita
Matthew Warren
Brand Director, Logica
Caoimhe Buckley
Marketing and Communications Director, UKTI
Tim Molloy
Head of Creative Direction, Science Museum
Joe Clift
Brand and Customer Marketing Director, Lloyds TSB Banking Group
Luke Mansfield
Head of Product Innovation, Samsung
Thomas Delabriere
Marketing Director, Innocent Dinks
The DBA Design Effectiveness Awards recognise the return on investment that a coherent, well-thought-out and professionally executed design strategy can achieve.