The Florence Nightingale School of Nursing & Midwifery at King’s College London was looking to increase recruitment of quality students and communicate its position as the best university for nursing and midwifery programmes. They wanted to cut through the noise of increasing competition with a design that was radically different to their previous ad-hoc and disjointed campaigns.
999 Design’s solution drew upon the strong emotions associated with the nursing profession, bringing them to life through a mix of strong typography, bold colours and dynamic imagery. The design was adaptable to the various audiences and true to the values of both the school and the profession. 999 created a compelling suite of adverts that had real resonance and set King’s apart from the crowd.
Undergraduate applications increased by 18% for the 2010/11 academic year, and postgraduate applications by an unprecedented 1,195%. The increase in applications by international postgrads was particularly important for revenue generation. In July, for the first time ever, it looked promising that the school wouldn’t need to go through clearing – meaning a saving of £11,800 in design and advertising costs, and 300 man-hours.
The DBA Design Effectiveness Awards recognise the return on investment that a coherent, well-thought-out and professionally executed design strategy can achieve.