Entry criteria
Who can enter?
A unique feature of these Awards is that clients can enter jointly with design consultancies or with their own company design teams.
What can I enter?
Any design projects; either re-designs or new products that demonstrate the effectiveness of design for your client’s brand or company.
What are the judges looking for?
Judges are looking for designs that prove beyond reasonable doubt, a cause and effect between the new design and business success through tangible results.
When should the project have been launched?
The project may have been launched at any time, however, your entry must include some up-to-date evidence, collated within 18 months of the entry deadline.
How do I enter?
You will need to read all of the information in the Call for Entries before writing a detailed yet concise description of your project, what it was expected to achieve, how the results were measured, what the results were, and crucially, the significance of those results in the wider commercial context.
Why do I need to start my application NOW?
You need to research data for your entry prior to completing the attached entry form. This can be time consuming and you will also need the full support of your client to obtain the type of data needed to make a convincing case for effectiveness. It is imperative to involve them from the outset, taking into account the additional time pressures your client is likely to be under at the moment. Experience shows that the longer you have to gather supporting data for your entry, the better.
When is the entry deadline?
Entries will need to be sent to us by 5pm, Friday 6 July 2012. You can benefit from an early bird discount if you enter by 5pm on Friday 25 May, saving you £100.
When will I hear any news?
Entrants will be notified of the short-list in September, with the winners announced at the Awards Ceremony in February 2013.
For an entry pack click here.
For more information and to book tickets, click here.
Any extra hints to help?
If you would like to discuss a potential entry at any time contact Natalie.
The DBA Design Effectiveness Awards recognise the return on investment that a coherent, well-thought-out and professionally executed design strategy can achieve.