The Body Shop’s groundbreaking campaigns for change are legendary, but in recent years other companies have been moving into this area. 2009 saw the launch of Stop Sex Trafficking of Children and Young Children, a three-year global programme in partnership with NGO ECPAT, the international network of children’s rights organisations. The campaign aims to put an end to the trafficking of children and young people and guarantee their rights to be protected from exploitation.
A strong brand, visual identity and ideas were devised by 300million to fund the project, drive petition signatures and help The Body Shop regain its campaigning authority.
Two years in and the results are fantastic. Donations to ECPAT to fund the campaign exceeded the objective by 200%, and with 6.6 million signatures on petitions worldwide it is the biggest campaign ever for The Body Shop. It is already inspiring governments in eight countries to create change and former president Bill Clinton hailed the campaign “an exemplary approach to addressing a specific global challenge”.
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