Supermarket own-label ranges are often perceived to imitate the packaging and content of mainstream brands. Asda, through its brand work with Elmwood, identified an opportunity to relaunch their mid-tier private label range to improve quality perception and to create a brand in its own right.
The Core played a pivotal role in creating the new brand identity, Chosen By You, developed brand guidelines and trained other agencies for the roll-out across the entire range of more than 6,000 products. They developed a design framework that unified the range from dishwasher tablets to tea bags, making a bold statement about Asda’s focus on enhancing quality and driving product innovation while keeping prices low. Since the launch, Chosen By You has driven Asda’s quality perception and has achieved significant sales and market growth. Asda is now leading the market with own-label growth at +8.4% YoY, and is now first for growth of the Big 4 supermarkets.
The DBA Design Effectiveness Awards recognise the return on investment that a coherent, well-thought-out and professionally executed design strategy can achieve.